Tuesday 22 July 2008

Don's Book signed up by Turkish Publisher

Turkey, the Land of Coffee, will soon be privy to Don's expertise.

We were approached back in April by Mikado Publishing in Istanbul. There is a big market for Western style coffee shops in Turkey, and they had been looking for a guide to setting up a coffee shop and they found our website.

The translation is almost finished and the book should be available online in Turkish some time in September.

Little did we know when we sat down to write the book last year that we would be on the radio in Devon and dealing with foreign publishers within the year! It's an amazing thing, the Internet!

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Our 5 Minutes of Fame!

Well, Don and I had our 5 minutes of fame on the local radio.

It was a bit "in at the deep end" as we were shown straight into the studio whilst the interviewer was talking to another interviewee over the phone, and then Don was asked about his background and why he had decided to market a product online.

I was then given a couple of minutes to explain how we had put the book together and I stressed that many people have a lot of knowledge which can be packaged, and sold on the Web to a global audience.

I think the art of being interviewed is to forget totally about the audience, and just chat to the interviewer as if you are talking to a friend.

So now, when my kids tell me their friends mothers are "cooler" than their mum, I can at least say "Yes, but have they been on the radio?"!

Friday 20 June 2008

How NOT to run a coffee shop

I read this sometime ago and it is really interesting, because it points out all the mistakes you can make in opening a coffee shop, and these are exactly the mistakes that Don has pointed out and warned against in his book.

The article is by Michael Idov and you can read it by clicking here.

We're on the Radio

Just had a call from our local radio station today. They have invited Don and me on to their breakfast show to talk about the book we have put together, and the fact that we are selling it online. They have also have invited a (much) younger internet entrepreneur onto the show to talk about his aim to retire a millionaire at 24.

One of the things I want to stress is that you don't have to be a teenager to sell online, that it is a tool and a market open to all ages!

Should be interesting, so I am making a list of the points we need to put across and hoping that we don't get stage fright - or at least not both of us at the same time.

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Are you in the Coffee Shop Business?

If you are, you might want to share your expertise here.

Any thoughts, words or encouragement, ideas that have worked in your business will be gratefully received and appreciated by other visitors. Just post your comments if you think they will be helpful.

Rising Prices

I was chatting to Don Clarke the other day. We had received an email from a chap who was interested in opening a coffee shop, in fact he was talking about opening several, but was worried that with rising food prices it would be hard to make a profit.

Don's immediate reaction was that whatever the increase in costs, you have to pass it on to the customer. If you don't, you go bankrupt.

So it was quite interesting to read an article I found on a US blog, written by another former Coffee shop owner, who actually points out that in times of economic hardshop, coffee shops do MORE business.

You can read the article at: The Coffee Business Opportunity In Challenging Times

So, not all doom and gloom!

Monday 9 June 2008

Coffee Shop Opening

So, you have done all the hard work preparing to open your coffee shop. You chosen your suppliers, fitted out your shop and hired your staff. So that’s everything taken care of, and now you can begin to relax.

Well, almost! There’s the small matter of advertising to take into account.

For your coffee shop opening to be a success, make no mistake about it: you will need to advertise.
One of the best, most effective ways to advertise your business is to seek some free publicity.
Really make an event of your launch and invite a local celebrity to come along. Create a news story, then issue a press release and send it to your local media.

Local media love local stories, so be creative! Come up with something that the journalists at your local media outlets will love.

It’s also a good idea to try advertising on your local radio stations. As a general rule, set aside 1% of your budget for advertising if you can. Radio advertising can be quite economical. Just call your local station for an advertising fee schedule and see what they can do for you.

Local advertising companies with experience in restaurant and hospitality launches can also be great resources for you. Just make sure you convey your budget to them, so they can determine if they can work with you. Also be sure to get them to itemise everything they can do for you – and at what cost. You need to know what you will be getting.

Launches are exciting, so make sure you get really creative and have lots of fun when planning yours!

The launch is what you make it. And then, perhaps you can begin to relax and drink the coffee?
Think again!

Marketing your business isn’t just something you do at launch time. It’s something you need to do continuously.

You need to be in the minds of your customers and prospective customers, so they get their coffee, tea and cake from you – not your competitors.

So – you need an ongoing approach to your marketing and advertising.
When it comes to marketing your business, you really can be as creative as you like! Here are just a few ideas to get those creative juices running:

Create a website so people can find you online
Provide printed brochures so your customers can take away and pass onto friends
Provide children’s lunch boxes complete with food and treats to keep mums returning
Now and then, offer special promotions. Perhaps two coffees for the price of 1 at times of the day when you are normally not so busy.
Perhaps consider offering a wi-fi service to attract business people or college students to your coffee shop.

What you can do is really only limited to your imagination, so start brainstorming today!

It’s amazing how one simple – yet creative idea – can get people into your coffeehouse and returning.

Most importantly, always keep up your marketing efforts! Marketing is an ongoing thing and the more marketing methods you use, the better.